Performance Enhancing Content
Let's get at it today!
Let's get at it today!
Yeah yeah, you already know if you don't breathe you die. That's obvious.
Now take a second to think about what type of sport cycling is.
It's a very aerobic based sport. By definition, that means "with the use of oxygen." Unless your go to event is the match sprint on the velodrome (which is much more "anaerobic"), then maximizing the amount of oxygen you can consume is going to be a HUGE priority for you and increasing performance.
Here's the thing, although you'd assume breathing is just breathing, there's actually ways you can INCREASE the amount of air you are consuming. We are about to cover them. But, we're also going to take it a step further and give you pointers on when you should be focusing on maximizing that oxygen consumption rate to better prepare yourself and maximize your performance.
As you breathe in, there are 2 things you should be focusing on:
As you do these two things, picture this air moving from the bottom of your lungs, straight down into your working legs, fueling them with the oxygen they need to continue powering on. The mind is a very powerful thing - train it to help you enhance your breathing.
As you exhale, focus on these 2 things:
Remember, the more CO2 rich air you are able to expel from your lungs, the more room there will be for that O2 rich air to enter on your next inhale.
Common mistake:
Closing your mouth when breathing out. Open your mouth up and increase the ability for the air to flow out.
This goes along with the mechanics of proper breathing. One way of maximizing available air is going to be by making sure you maximizing the amount of air you are breathing in AND out on each breath cycle.
By definition, the word "rate" means it is a function of time. So, by breathing in and out more frequently over a set time interval, we are effectively increasing the amount of available oxygen.
To maximize available oxygen, you must combine the two aspects from above. If you breathe faster, but very shallow, you are not increasing the amount of usable air to your lungs, blood, heart, and working muscles.
Remember that total useable air flow is a function of both volume and rate. Breathing in and out more air at a faster rate increases available oxygen.
Test these breathing techniques on your next ride and let us know how it went via the CA Member Facebook Group
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