Remember that song? If you do, we’re sorry for getting it stuck in your head. But seriously [MM_Member_Data name=’firstName’], we’d hate to lose you. If there is a specific reason, jump over to the CA Facebook Group or shoot us an email and don’t hesitate to let us know.
We don’t want this to be that type of breakup where you leave and then stalk us on Facebook to see who we are riding with. We hope you just need a little space and then you will come back to us like nothing ever happened. Typical us.
If you change your mind, and you just wanted us to get the point, head back to the Member Dashboard, and then let us know what we can do better.
[MM_Member_Decision isMember=’true’ status=’active|overdue’] If you must go, just click the link below to cancel your membership:
Cancel Membership [/MM_Member_Decision] [MM_Member_Decision isMember=’true’ status=’pending_cancel’] Your membership has been canceled and you will no longer be billed. You can find us crying in the bathroom later. Your account will remain active until [MM_Member_Data name=’cancellationDate’ dateFormat=’M j, Y’]. [/MM_Member_Decision] [MM_Member_Decision status=’canceled’] Your account is now canceled. [/MM_Member_Decision] [MM_Member_Decision isMember=’false’] Your account is canceled. [/MM_Member_Decision]